Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 3 - The spice of life

Long before wars were fought over oil, European tribal overreach, before even war over slavery, there were the Spice wars in the 1500's. The search for spices (and later sugar cane) was a significant factor in world exploration, expansion, enslavement and war. I had forgotten much of this until this SNAP Challenge. So far after three days I am not hungry and I am getting my nutrients. Based on our challenge, the only flavoring I am using that I did not purchase is salt and pepper.
So, I find myself realizing that while I am not hungry, the variety and flavor of my meals filly my belly and frustrates me how unsatisfying my meals are. I am not a "foodie", but I never gave much thought to oregano, rosemary, garlic, nutmeg, cumin, etc. Couple that with the fact that all nine meals have been solitary and I am struck with how much I have taken for granted.

- The social aspect of sharing a meal is a common theme in scripture. Tomorrow we celebrate Maundy Thursday in remembrance of the Last Supper with holy communion.
- Preparing a meal takes more time than I am used to. With a commute and a couple of long days, I no longer order out or pick up breakfast on the way to work. I am compelled to live this experience for only one week. I can't stop thinking about how much time that takes a family to do after a long day of work....all the time.
- Spices- I am sure that there are likely different choices I could have made at the grocery store, but I do recall learning from Jan Leaf, the Director of The Lord's Pantry in Downingtown that spices, drinks and cooking oil fly off their shelves. So, maybe it is not just my oversight at the store!
- chocolate!! I don't have a sweet tooth, but I did not realize I missed even just a taste until the option was taken away.
- Beverages! My milk for the week is gone. I am very glad I hate coffee and tea, but while tap water quenches my thirst, I miss my orange and grape juice and especially my diet Pepsi (and the caffeine!). Honestly, I cannot remember the last time I went two days with water as my only beverage.

So, I am not hungry, malnourished or thirsty. But now, food has become nothing but fuel. Bland and functional but not at all satisfying. For me, I think that can represent what life without Jesus Christ is like. Imagine how hard it would be to miss orange juice if you have never had anything to drink besides water? I keep thinking of what Christ has done for me and my life. I imagine I might be alive and that I might have a job. I cannot even fathom a life without Christ and the bounty and grace available to me. 

I know this. Being hungry is both a physical and spiritual condition. God does not wish us merely to survive! For the last two days as I whine to myself about the soda or juice or spice I miss, this scripture resonates in me:

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10.

Do not let the Deceiver steal, kill or destroy your life with lies or false comfort. Jesus came for you and for me so that we, "may have life and have it abundantly."

Peace and grace to all this holy week.


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