Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 5 reflections from Jan Leaf, director of the Lord's Pantry

I was so inspired by all of you last Sunday that I felt I needed to do the challenge as well.  I realized that in my entire life I can only remember going to bed somewhat hungry once.  Considering that one time was close to 60 years ago, you can see what an impact it had on my memory.  So on my way in to the Pantry Monday morning I made a mad dash through Wegman’s to buy my week’s supply of food.  A decision I would regret, as I made some poor choices.  I purchased mostly carbs – no fruits or vegetables!  I still had $2.60 left which I used for broccoli later in the week.

As I opened the back of my car to load these groceries, there sat the club size bag of apples ($6.99) that I had purchased the day before to feed the deer!  Monday evening I made my spaghetti dinner – using a generic brand of sauce – no salad or garlic bread.  As I was cooking my dinner I decided to feed my dog – her rotisserie chicken never smelled so good.  I was reminded that prepared foods are not allowed on food stamps!  One of the hardest decisions was choosing a mayo for my egg salad and tuna.  The small jar was $2.29 and the large one was on sale for $3.49 – there was no comparison so I bought the large one.  I have a new appreciation for the requests from  our clients for condiments.  They are costly but make a world of difference.  I use a sugar substitute in my tea and I couldn’t afford that so I drank coffee all week because I do not use sugar in coffee. 

This was really a challenge, as every time I walked out of my office I was greeted with the scent of baked goods and I had to pass the volunteer’s basket of candy several times a day.  Not to mention that I park in McDonald’s parking lot! While I did not go hungry, I quickly came to realize that food not only feeds your physical hunger, it plays a large role in your emotional well being.  It was like going to your favorite restaurant thinking about ordering your favorite meal and when you arrive you find out they are out of it!  You don’t go home hungry but you are not emotionally fulfilled.

I also decided to figure out what I would of spent for the week on food and donate it. 

I wish you all a very blessed Easter.

~ Jan

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the work you do Jan! I agree with you about the condiments!
